Thursday, May 17, 2012

Battling Common Pool Problems

Pool owners are faced with several issues when they've installed an in-ground pool. The primary concern is maintenance. Since so much water isn't perfectly clean, keeping the water just right is an ongoing process. Fortunately, there are methods today that can make this process more like a simple chore, and less like an ongoing battle.

In some areas, calcium is much more of an issue than it is elsewhere. Calcified water, often known as "hard" water, has been known to damage appliances in your house. Naturally, this can be an issue in your pool. To make things more difficult, you actually need a small amount of calcium in your water. Water with low levels of calcium present a problem, as well. This is often called "soft" water. You need your pool water to be in the middle.

For people who suffer from hard water, you can use sequestering mineral treating products or the chelating mineral products. If you have soft water, you will need to determine how much calcium you have. This can be done via a water analysis. The analysis can also show you if other minerals or chemicals are present that might cause issues. A pool is a big investment and you need to maintain it for the maximum benefit.

Most experts recommend a calcium balance in your pool water of between 80 and 150 parts-per-million (ppm). Luckily chemicals are readily available to correct these issues. Contact your local swimming pool companies Brisbane for further information.

Calcium scaling along the waterline is treated by cleaning with an appropriate acid solution. Be sure to observe safety precautions when using any strong solution. Wear rubber gloves and protect your eyes. To protect the pool, always test new cleaning agents and products in an area that is inconspicuous.

There are other ways to treat your pool using items you already have in the house. Warm standing water, such as what you can find in a pool, can be a hotbed for germs, viruses and bacteria. They can take hold in your water through any simple chemical imbalance and you might not know until someone becomes ill. This makes treating an imperative to protect swimmers as much as the pool.

For extreme cases, such as pools that have a visible algae infestation, you need an aggressive solution. Drain the pool. You need to sanitize the inside. Create a solution of one ounce of regular laundry bleach for two gallons of water. This will be adequate to sterilize your pool. Use a steel brush for concrete pools or a dish brush for vinyl lined pools. Once you've scrubbed the pool down, rinse thoroughly. When you refill the pool, keep the temperature cool for a while, just to ensure no regrowth.

If you have a 30,000 gallon pool, you can sanitize the water by pouring a gallon of regular bleach straight into your pool's skimmer. This averages out to roughly two ppm of chlorine.

Pool alkalinity is another area of concern. This can actually be increased by just using kitchen baking soda. Use the same amount of baking soda that you would a pool chemical to accomplish the same purpose.

Hydrochloric acid, also referred to as muriatic acid, can decrease the pool's alkalinity. You'll need to add around one and one-third pint for every 10,000 gallons of water.

Resource: Knowing more about fibreglass pools is a great head start. More and more Brisbane pool now created everyday in Queensland. Visit our site and our showrooms for more information.

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